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Dog Days

…have arrived. 


Spencer Pote

Spencer Pote

Lazy Lynn

With Facebook and email, I’ve found I’ve neglected this site dreadfully.  Goodness, Lily’s and Hagrid’s babies are nine months old already and bounding through life across the US.  I’m off to North Carolina next week to puppysit and evaluate Luna and Jasper’s seven babies…and hoping to have little ones this winter.  Check us out on my Facebook page (Lynn Musgrave)

Lily and Hagrid’s Babies

Eight puppies on day eight…mom and babies are fabulous.


Lily and Hagrid were bred three weeks ago. We’ll know on Friday (though Lily is raiding the waste paper baskets and eating tissue…this has been part of her prenatal diet in the past ). Lily and Hagrid are both CHIC with OFA Good Hips. Stay tuned!

I HATE Changes!

Yikes.  I’m now officially an old lady, as MSN Spaces is dumping my site into Word Press.  This will be a construction zone for awhile as I figure out all the bells and whistles…or don’t figure them out, as the case may be.  In the meantime, keep us with us on Facebook!

Mug Shots

Lily and Took’s pups sporting their little snoods from Aunt Dede:

Lily and Took Puppies at Eight Weeks

Lily and Took’s pups have begun embarking upon thier new lives.  These pups are all dark, coated, with dark eyes and sparkling personalities.  Greg has a couple boys and a girl available–and two definitely of show quality.  I can’t tell you how delighted I am with these pups!

New Worlds to Explore

There’s an old saying in the Ozarks:  “the hurrier I go, the behinder I get.”  I’m way behind in my chronicles of Luna’s babies as they venture out into the wide world.  The new owners have been dutifully sharing stories and photos…Mr. Purple (now Finnegan) is home in Wisconsin, Mr. Cream (now Riley) has gone home to Virginia, and Mr. Red is preparing to head to Baltimore tomorrow where he will be called Dublin.
So many people have asked if it’s too quiet around here….the answer is anything but .  Greg’s puppies out of Lily and Took have moved downstairs, so we’re back a  dining room full (13!!) at night and I’m still walking with the “puppy shuffle” so I don’t step on anyone.
 Included are some photos I’ve gotten back of Luna’s babies exploring their new worlds…keep those coming, folks!  I love them!

Canadian National

In the midst of puppies meeting their new owners and getting evaluated and bathed and so on, Mary Marter took the pups’ uncle Hogan (D’Locks Honeydukes Hogan RN) to the Canadian national specialty and was awarded Reserve Winners Dog.  They had a small entry this year, but for someone who only wanted a nice pet, Mary has really made great strides–discovering the fun of Rally and even venturing into the breed ring.  Congratulations, Mary and Hogan!